Since the outbreak of COVID19 pandemic  people have been advised to get a hand sanitizer or make one for themselves we all started experiencing shortages during the coronavirus outbreak. 

    Many started using homemade hand sanitizer in their offices, "At home hand sanitizer is not necessarily a bad idea and not that difficult to make overall

    To be effective at killing germs, hand sanitizer must be at least 60% alcohol.


1) Aloe vera gel or glycerin

2) Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) with a concentration of 91%

3) Essential oil, such as lemon or lavender (this is an optional ingredient for scent) 

4) Clean containers for mixing and an air-tight container for storage

5) Spoon or whisk for mixing


1) Combine the aloe vera gel or glycerin with the isopropyl alcohol in a clean container. To get one cup of sanitizer, combine ⅓ cup of gel or glycerin with ⅔ cup of rubbing alcohol.

2) Mix thoroughly with your spoon or whisk to ensure that the alcohol is evenly distributed throughout the gel.

3) Stir in five drops of an essential oil, if you're using it. This is entirely optional and is only meant to improve the scent of the sanitizer.

4) Store the sanitizer in an air-tight container. Alcohol evaporates with time, so an air-tight container will keep your sanitizer effective for longer. A pump or squeeze bottle can minimize evaporation while keeping your sanitizer easily accessible — just make sure the container for your sanitizer is clean and air-tight. 

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