Cervical cancer is not so common in younger individuals but that does not mean that it can be assumed. It is usually common in middled aged women mostly 35years and above. Cervical cancer usually does not have any symptoms until it becomes more advanced.

       If you have any of this signs or symptoms it is better you visit your doctor as early as possible.

1) Increased vaginal discharge, this vaginal discharge may be followed by foul smell which is caused by lack of oxygen hence some cells die off, The discharge may be watery, pale, brown or mixed with blood.

2) Longer and heavier menstrual bleeding. Normal menstrual bleeding takes 3 to 4days but if it extends to 7 or s days and it is heavier than usual then it could be a sign.

3) Pain during sexual intercourse. If you feel or experience pain during sexual intercourse maybe because of the growing tumor in your tissues due to the cancer. This pain is experienced when the cancer is advanced.

4) Pelvic and low back pain. Back and pelvic pain are mostly linked to the reproductive organs such as the cervix. If you feel continuous pain around the pelvic area then that could be a great sign of cervical cancer.

5) Unexpected weight loss and loss of appetite. Most cancers are associated with weight loss and cervical cancer is not an exception. Sometimes no matter how much you eat, you just lose weight then you should be concerned.

6) Leg pain, as the cancer grows, it may start to press against nerves in the pelvic wall resulting in leg pain and swelling. If the swelling is followed by leg pain, this could be a sign of cervical cancer.

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