Heliculture is the rearing of snails for human consumption, medical and cosmetic purposes.Snail farming is a scarce but successful business in Nigeria. Snail meat is a very good source of protein, fiber,magnesium, vitamin c,iron,calcium, amino acid and a blood giving meal.The slime it produces are used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

SNAIL business is very easy to do and you can easily do snail farming with you job and snail is very profitable.

ONE if the problem that most snail farmers is having is that they don't know how to care for their new Hatch s snail which can lead to mortality of the new hatch snail,which can easily discourage most farmers to stop the business.

HERE is how to care for the new hatch snail,Once they hatch, it is very important to feed them with more calcium for the sake of their shells, soft vegetables, pawpaw, cocoa yam leaves, cucumbers, lettuce, watermelon cabbage etc.

THEY also need special care at this stage of development until they get to 3 months old when they can eat other feed,Don't miss the new hatch egg with the adult grow one,and make sure you maintain hygiene with them,discard unfinished food within 24hours.


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