Everybody in life desires a good looking and adorable skin, As a result, some go as far as undergoing some series of surgery in order to achieve this.

       Most of this uncalled situations are as a result of bad weather conditions and also some creams and other unhealthy materials that people apply to their body


     This is a very natural and useful method that can be applied in the fight against pimples on a person's face. Just get a hot water and pour inside a pot. After you might have opened the pores, keep your face to the pot and take the steam for 30mins. Then clean your face with a material that is oil and moisture free. Bacteria do not survive an high temperature environment, so the heat from the steams will kill the ones inside the pimple and also help to heal it. Ensure that the hot water doesn't touch your body as such may course untold harm.


       Honey is naturally believed to contain antiseptics that destroys bacteria, so when applied to any place on your body that has such it will help kill them and restore your body.

      Use the tip of a clean cloth, mostly white to dip the honey, then rub it on the affected place and leave it for up to thirty minutes. Then rinse the place with a warm water.


Aloe Vera is another natural and yet simple way to treat not just pimple but other skin diseases like, rashes, burns and cuts. Not minding how cool the gel may look, it's still very powerful. It has the power to fight bacteria and promote healing.

     Just cut it open and take the gel with a spoon or anything, apply it on the area that need to be treated. It can also be mixed with cream and other things you rub on your body for more elegant skin.


      Fresh lemon contain citric acid, this acid can act as antiseptic and fight very well against bacteria. You can use a clean cloth to collect the juice and apply to the affected area, which you might have opened. Allow it on your face through the night - it should be done before you go to bed. Then rinse your face when you wake up in the morning with a warm water.

     You can as well create a paste from it, combining the juice with Cinnamon powder. Apply to the area that need to be treated and leave through the night; rinse as well after you wake up.


This is yet another simple way to treat, not just pimple but skin diseases in general - Scabies, burns etc. Just make sure that the pore of the affected place is open, get the substance and dab it on the area; whether face or anywhere, then go to bed. When you wake up, rinse with a cold water. You can do it during the day as well, but you will allow it to stay for as much as 30 mins, after which you rinse with a cold water. Make sure the water is neat as well.

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