There is nothing worse than bad breath reducing or even totally destroying our chances of getting what we want.
       Most people avoid consuming foods like garlic or onions before going somewhere important they have to talk to people but in the end, these things are not responsible for the bad breath, but rather, the bacteria in the mouth. We have compiled some fruits you can consume to help combat bad breath.


      Studies have showing that cherries can help you remove the smell methyl mercaptan, which is one of the gases released by bacteria causing bad breath. Moderate consumption of cherries helps fight bad breath. These bacteria can also be combated using consuming lettuce as well.


       Melons are high in Vitamin C, which is a vitamin known to fight bad breath. The vitamin C in melons turns your mouth into a hostile environment for bacteria that cause bad breath and leaves your mouth smelling fresh after consumption. There is this sense of relief at the time you consume it, all signs pointing to the fact that it is helping you remove bad bacteria.


     Ginger helps with the removal of bad breath from the mouth by merely using it as a ginger rinse. Typically, ginger is used to treat stomach upset, but it has also proven to help counteract bad breath. For this to be more effective, you can combine the pressed ginger with lemon juice and then consume while it is warm for a simple but yet effective mouth wash.


       Vegetables help fix bad breath in two ways. First, it helps your mouth produce enough saliva which is one of the first reasons why the breath becomes bad – bacteria having the chance to take charge of the mouth as there is no saliva to help remove them. Crunch vegetables also help you scrub your teeth, making it very hard for particles that cause bad breath to stay in your mouth, leaving less for bacteria to feed on.


       Parsley contains polyphenols which act as antioxidants which help you breakdown the sulfur compounds in your mouth. For a more effective mouth wash combine garlic with either your parsley or basil to keep the smell as well as the effect even after your last meal at night. Antioxidants always help to fight a lot of health problems including moth odours all signs pointing to the fact that you have an all-round cover.

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  1. Thankyou for these tips, and I love watermelon but don't have it often enough!


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