Actually female lions can mate up to a hundred(100) times a day when in heat.

Female lion's do not have a specific fertility period, it all depends on pride activity. Like when a pride has just been taken over, a female lion can initiate mating with the new males to distract them from killing her cubs, or after new males had already killed all cubs their mate to strengthen the new pride.

Female lions choose who they breed with by selecting the most dominate male to mate with. Sometimes it's the dominant male that stays close to a female when it's in heat and has the first chance to mate. The weaker males may be to afraid to challenge the dominant male so they will just wait until he gets tired then they get their chance to mate with the female.

The fertility period may last up to four to seven days days and every moment lasting about 20 seconds by 100 times daily, that's a lot of sex.

During mating the female lion may bite the male, because of the pain caused by the male's spikey penis. The male organ is designed like that because the pain it inflicts during mating triggers ovulation.

A lion's pregnancy is about 100 to 120 days. In most prides about 80% of cubs do not make it to adulthood as they may get killed by other pride males or do not get enough nutrition as they eat last according to pride rules.

The cubs usually gets sexually active at around 25 months and the males are usually chased out of the pride by the dominant male, females are allowed to stay. The young males will wonder off to take over a pride of their own.


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