Month Ulcer is also known as Canker sore which happen to appear on the lips, inside the mouth or at the base of the teeth.Sometimes, when this occur, it makes eating, drinking and even talking uncomfortable.

Such mouths diseases can happen or occur to anyone Whether male or female, young or Old individuals. But the good news is that it goes or get healed within 2weeks.

Causes of Canker Sore:
The main causes of canker sore is yet to be known. The truth about it is that it's not contagious and cannot be spread by saliver. Although, research has it that it can be as a result of some injuries which comes as a result of biting the lips or bruises in the mouth or jaw.

Bitter Experience of canker sore
You will agree with me that canker sore is very painful for those that have experienced it. It makes you feel generally uncomfortable and limits you to certain food. Some of the food you find difficult to take are:

1) salty food

2) Pepperish food

3) unripe oranges

4) Hot food

5) Alcohol

Other common causes of canker sores are

1) Hormonal shifts during menstrual cycle

2) Lack of vitamin B-12, zinc, folic acid, or iron


3 ) Sensitivity to chocolate, coffee, strawberries, eggs, nuts, cheese, or spicy or acidic foods

4)Using Toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate

However, canker sore can be treatable.its can be cured within a space of one week to three weeks on it own but which individual will tolerate such discomfort. The recommended idle approach to this is to:

1)take alots of VITAMINS such as vitamin C, E,and K.

2) Avoid taking alots of spicy food.

3) Try by all means to make use of soft tooth brush to prevent laceration in the mouth when brushing the teeth.

4) Reduce stress and take slots of rest.


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